
Phobia - Cruel

Género: Grindcore
País: E.U.A
Página de la banda: www.myspace.com/phobiagrindcore

Lista de canciones:
  1. Cruel Death to False Punks
  2. So Full of Hate
  3. Scientific Fraud
  4. Slaying Bastards
  5. Get the Fuck out!
  6. Drunken Spree of Violence
  7. Your Turn Next
  8. Grind
  9. Let's Get Pissed
  10. Loud, Proud, and Punk as Fuck!
  11. Cursed
  12. Ignorant American
  13. Yankee Swine
  14. Fascist Smash Face
  15. Wars with Us
  16. Never
  17. Kill to Love
  18. War of the Sexes
  19. Enemy of the State
  20. Numb